上禮拜為拿到Austin& Irvine的面試而高興,這禮拜就為了面試不成功而沮喪。


我犯得最大的錯誤,就是我不夠有自信。在我面試前,Stan& Allene (幫我準備申請的教授) 就一直不斷告訴我,我要對自己有信心,我有足夠的潛能進top MBA, 我有聽這些話,卻沒有認真的相信這些話,我內心深處,還是為自己數學能力不佳、沒有相關背景、沒有名校、沒有大公司、沒有錢....感到害怕。

因為不夠有自信,我沒有感受到自己所可能有的優勢,所以我沒有辦法善用自己的優勢/特殊背景(acting, teaching, tour guiding, wild surviving, group leading) 去告訴學校,我是多麼的特別,我可以對學校有多少的貢獻。

MBA program 講究的就是整個class 的 diversity,所以我的非商背景,對申請其實是有利的,偏偏,我就被困在自己「數學不好」、「不夠有錢」的陰影裡,反而沒有大聲的告訴學校我的好。甚至在最後interviewer 問我"Anything you want to add to let the school knows?" 我竟然為了這個簡單的問題傻眼,然後很爛的回說「我數學很差,我會努力補鍋」 .....標準的,自曝其短,不打自招。

所以縱使我在面試時,努力的露出自信的笑容、抬頭挺胸、準備了各式各樣的可能的面試問題,但是,因為我沒有truly believe that I am good, 最後,我還是呈現了一個沒有自信的自己。

一個有自信的面試應該是,我這個人有甚麼樣的特別處,不一樣的背景(differentiating),可以對這個學校做出甚麼貢獻(contribution),並把自己事蹟具體化、需求與需求原因具體化(being specific),應該是要告訴學校「我很優秀、我很特別,沒有收我是你的損失。」而非,「我有這個缺點,我會努力補鍋,拜託你收收我啦!」

結果,Stan& Allene 為了這事,分別用了兩封快要1000字的信來不斷的為我加油打氣,不斷的告訴我,我有多優秀,我多麼應該相信自己跟相信他們,我不應該為了自己所虛構出來的完美人物感到害怕,事實上大家都是不完美的.......天曉得他們花了多少時間寫這個,以US$ 50/hour來算,天曉得我浪費的多少錢在「讓我有自信這件事情」。

5 意見:

  1. John Chang 提到...

    Hello friend,
    I am just a passwerby and read the posts accidentally. Anyway, the MBA process can be really rigorous as we all have been in your shoes. So now please stay focused and get all the required essays done to meet the Round 2 deadlines. Stay focused and wish you the best! Ganbadeyo! I cannot agree with you more about the below quotes:《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》裡所說的, 「當你真心渴望某樣東西時,整個宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你完成。」


  2. Crazyact 提到...

    Oh! My god! Is it true?? A Kellogg Alumnus read my article and even replied!! Oh my~

    I am so surprised and honored for your passing by. In fact, I just finished the application part I this Monday.

    I never expect anyone besides friends to reply my blog, especially someone from my dream school!

    Thanks for your words and encouragement. Yeah, the MBA process is rigorous to force one reflect and discover himself deeply, cruelly deeply.

    I am on the way. Although there is depression, I will stuck on it.

    I am on the second part of application of Kellogg. It will be extremely appreciated if you can give me advice. Thanks a lot for your visiting. Really nice to know you

  3. icecream 提到...


  4. 匿名 提到...



  5. John Chang 提到...

    Hello Crazyact,
    Well, this is just my personal point of view.

    Essay no. 1: This is of the most important as you need to summarize your key brand and positions you wish to express to the Adcoms. Use succinct and logical flows with perfect English.

    Essay no. 2: Best to provide a professional experience to impress the Adcom with key takeaways.

    Essay no. 3: As Kellogg has an in-depth student-led culture, this one is important to share your contributions.

    Essay no. 4: Optional to choose a topic that provides your best uniqueness.

    Actually there is a Kellogg Coffee Chat at 12/26. Pls feel free to attend and ganbadeyo! : )


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